We’ve added some new fixes since our last update.
Fixes and Improvements
- Linux: Async Input functionality restored. Please note that Async Input is experimental and that is designed for keyboards in mind. Joysticks don't benefit at all from activating Async Input (in any platform).
- Fixed Async Input missing inputs constantly on all desktop platforms
- Updated Async Input library to fix some issues with some Linux versions.
- Steam Deck: Fixed issue where buttons would double press.
- Steam Deck: Opening the game in Desktop Mode will unlock all options that are desktop-specific, like changing Resolution, Async Input, and more.
- Pause Menu: Practice mode is again available on Speed Trials. Also misc. bugfixes.
- Planets: Saving colors for planets work again.
- Joystick inputs: fixed a bug where when using bumpers to move between worlds before unlocking world B but after unlocking world 6, caused not being able to move to the left, using the left bumper, from the position where the world B portal would be placed.
- Game: Fixed Overload bug happened after spawning on a checkpoint.
- Game: Fixed very obscure bug that causes a softlock when trying to move the planets at the level select, caused by a joystick input when the screen is transitioning, or a driver.
- Other misc. bugfixes
Level Editor Fixes and Improvements
- Pressing Shift will change the shape of the icons to give a preview of what type of floor it will create when pressed
- Editor: The "Set Default Text" level event showed "no key" in its "Level Title Text" text field by default, now it's empty as it should be.
- Editor: Pasting elements in the decorations list doesn't scroll the list to the bottom anymore.
- Editor: The game settings menu is working again.
- Editor: When losing while playing in the editor, some conditionals and events like Pause Planets weren't reset, making the game unplayable or the level not working as intended.