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RDCode is what we call things done via the Call Custom Method event, and the Custom Conditional event. This includes calling functions, setting variables, and checking them.

This guide also covers tags and PlayStyles (which used to be RDCode but have been moved into their own events).

This assumes some knowledge of programming, i.e. you know what these are: arguments, syntax, functions, variables. The parsing is done ourselves, not based on lua or json or something, so the language isn't anything standard. You could call this 'RDCode' language if you're looking for a shorthand.


<aside> 💡 These are provided with zero support compared to normal events. Use at your own risk, they can break at any time, we will not be prioritising backward compatibility for any of these. Do not expect any bugs about any edge cases to be fixed either!



RDCode Function Call Syntax

This is for things using the Call Custom Method event.

For arguments:

What about putting variables inside the argument?

This requires you to use curly brackets, to tell the parser 'evaluate whats in those brackets', instead of treating e.g. bpm+20 as a whole argument by itself.

Curly bracket parsing is done like this:

Final step: after each variable/number has been parsed, now that it's all numbers, do arithmetic on them. Then finally replace that curly bracket expression with a single number. So: {bpm+20} → {100+20} → 120