
Thank you for creating custom levels with our game! We take your rights very seriously, and would like to ask you some questions before publishing your work through our Steam Workshop.

It is more than welcome to post your level using your own songs. However, if your name is not recognized by our staff, it may be temporarily flagged for confirmation. In that case, please email us at [email protected] with your item’s URL.

If it is just for you, no further steps are required. You may upload your level using the “I’m the Artist” tag provided by the game.

If you agree with our usage policy (Permission Template) and would like to allow other to use your songs, please provide the following information in the form of written permission. Consider that you are writing the guide to people who wants to use your content.

Which songs to allow

Please let us know which songs are you allowing. We recommend you only allow music to which you have all the rights. Also, we advise you to have at least 5 songs with at least 2 minutes long each in your discography.

Example 1) Original songs are allowed. Remixes and mashups are not allowed. Example 2) Some songs are allowed. Others are not allowed.

7th Beat Games may voluntarily prohibit some songs even with permission. Please refer to the Songs that cannot be used even with permission page.

The link to your profile

Please leave your profile link, such as Soundcloud, Bandcamp, YouTube pages.

Your permission will be posted as proof on our verified artists list, and will be available to anyone browsing the website.

Please also check other artists' responses on our website if you need some references.

You may revoke your permission any time by contacting 7th Beat Games. Please tell us your thoughts for keeping or deleting the remaining levels.